DCU FuJo joins new EU project on Resilient Media for Democracy in the Digital Age

31 March 2023

The ReMeD project on Resilient Media for Democracy in the Digital Age kicks off today in Pamplona. Funded by Horizon Europe and coordinated by the University of Navarra, ReMeD aims to support media that uphold democracy and human rights and to produce policy recommendations to guide European digital media legislation. DCU PIs John O'Sullivan and Paul McNamara will oversee the research on Ireland and research on citizens and democracy.

ReMeD will work closely with professional journalists, alternative media producers and citizens to achieve its objectives. Its key objectives are:

It will complement work on European media systems by institutional partners in seven others EU countries, along with the UK. Starting in November 2022, the project will run for three years.

Follow ReMeD on Twitter at @ResMediaEU

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