DCU Institute of Future Media, Democracy and Society Institúid DCU um Meáin Todhchaí, Daonlathas agus Sochaí
DCU Institute of Future Media, Democracy and Society Institúid DCU um Meáin Todhchaí, Daonlathas agus Sochaí

Climate assemblies and communicative flows: A conceptual framework for studying media and communication in deliberative systems

Publication type: Book chapters

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Publication authors: Dannica Fleuss, Jane Suiter

Publication link: Climate assemblies and communicative flows: A conceptual framework for studying media and communication in deliberative systems


Dr Dannica Fleuss

Dr Dannica Fleuss is a postdoctoral researcher at Dublin University’s Centre for Future Media, Democracy & Society and a Research Associate at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance (University of Canberra, Australia). She is also a co-convenor of the British Political Studies Association’s Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group, an Associate Editor of the academic journal Democratic Theory and a member of the Junior Scientific Advisory...

Professor Jane Suiter

Professor Jane Suiter is the Director of DCU Institute for Media, Democracy and Society (FuJo). She is a social scientist whose research interests focus on the public sphere. Her present research is focused on the social, political and communicative aspects of citizen participation, empowerment and direct and participative democracy. She has a particular interest in the potential of deliberation and how worked on and researcher a number of real world deliberative assemblies including We the Cit...

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