Funded by the European Media and Information Fund and coordinated by University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte), this project responds to an urgent need to upskill Europe’s public librarians with media and information literacy (MIL).
Public libraries play a crucial and trusted community role. They are venues for lifelong learning and social integration and they reach members of the community who are often neglected by traditional MIL interventions. To realise their potential, public libraries must overcome several challenges: librarians generally lack MIL training; existing MIL resources are not tailored for the needs of libraries and their patrons; and library structures and community contexts vary greatly across Europe, but MIL resources are typically created with little regard to issues of translation and adaptation.
MIL CC will address these challenges through three concrete outcomes: (i) an updated hybrid course (in English, Spanish and Portuguese) that equips librarians with relevant knowledge and skills to provide MIL to the local community; (ii) a comprehensive set of standards to design, implement and assess MIL community projects led by public libraries; and (iii) a network of interconnected European libraries commited to developing media literacy.
MIL CC consists of three highly experienced partners: the University Institute of Lisbon (coordinator), an academic institute with expertise in media literacy and journalism; Learn to Check, an NGO that promotes media and information literacy and critical thinking in Spain; and DCU FuJo, an academic institute with expertise in media literacy and coutering disinformation.
The project is supported by the Portuguese Directorate-General for Books, Archives and Libraries (DGLAB), Portuguese Association of Librarians (BAD); Spanish Society of Scientific Documentation and Information (SEDIC); Ireland's Local Government Management Agency (LGMA); Public Libraries 2030 (PL2030), and Media Literacy Ireland (MLI).
Key Information

- Project dates:01/10/2024 - 28/02/2026
- Website:
- Contact:Vitor Tomé
European Media and Information Fund (EMIF)