FuJo provides a wide range of training courses for media professionals. In addition to the courses listed below, we offer a range of bespoke training and consultancy services. Please send enquiries to fujo@dcu.ie
Coding for Journalism: Designed to give journalists a foundation in basic programming, this course will provide hands-on training in coding for specific storytelling tasks.
Data Visualisation: An advanced course on visualizing complex information via interactive charts, graphs and maps.
Editorial Leadership: A two-day leadership workshop for news directors with follow-up webinar sessions.
Getting Started with Data Journalism: An introductory course on data journalism and data visualization.
Long Form Digital Journalism: An immersive workshop on developing compelling long-form articles.
Multimedia Photography: A hands-on training workshop for visual journalists looking to expand and grow their multimedia skillsets using the latest technology.
Multimedia Storytelling: A practice-led course providing essential skills for digital media production in a mobile first environment.
Podcasting: Print to Audio: This practical workshop will develop skills to present and record successful audio for the web with a special focus on adapting print skills to audio.
Shooting and Editing Mobile Video: A practice-based course on framing and shooting video on mobile devices and editing content for the web.
Advanced Social Discovery and Verification: This workshop will develop advanced skills for monitoring social media for news gathering and effective techniques for verification.