New eBook: Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists

06 November 2015

In October, the Council of Europe’s European Audiovisual Observatory published a free eBook Freedom of Expression, the Media and Journalists.

The book provides valuable insights into the European Court of Human Rights’ case-law on media and journalistic freedoms. It reviews 240 court cases based around Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights which guarantees freedom of speech and information. An indexed table of cases (1994-2015) provides summaries and links to the full texts of the judgments or decisions.

Two Irish cases are referenced: the 2003 Murphy V Ireland case which upheld a general ban on religious advertising and the 2005 Independent News and Media V Ireland case which found that damages awarded to Proinsias de Rossa in a defamation case against the Sunday Independent did not violate freedom of speech and expression.

The book is authored by Dirk Voorhoof (Ghent and Copenhagen Universities) and edited by Tarlach McGonagle of Amsterdam’s Institute for Information Law (IViR).

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