Monitoring Media Pluralism in Ireland

07 October 2015

The Institute for Future Journalism and Media is the Irish partner in the EU Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM) project, led by the Centre for Media Pluralism at the European University Institute. Dr Roddy Flynn is the Principal Investigator.

Media freedom and pluralism are enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as essential foundations of democratic societies. Yet, technological and economic transformations are affecting established media sectors and the means by which pluralism has been traditionally created, promoted, and regulated. As traditional policy approaches, designed to address an earlier media era, are under strain, there is a growing need to develop more appropriate approaches for the contemporary and future environment.

The MPM project sets out to identify risks to media pluralism in Ireland by applying a diagnostic tool across five key dimensions: Political, Cultural, Geographical, Structural, and Content-related.

The project covers all types of media – public service, commercial and community – and is designed on the understanding that different forms of media (broadcasting, print and online) may be subject to different policies and regulatory approaches.

Initially piloted in 9 EU member states in 2013, the project has now expanded to cover the all 28 EU states. As of Autumn 2015 the data collection phase is over and the FuJo Institute will make a public presentation of the results to relevant stakeholders in November 2015.

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