Carbon Calculator Will Help Irish Screen Producers Lower Emissions

14 October 2019

The Irish creative screen industries launched a new,
industry specific tool to measure carbon emissions. FuJo’s  Prof Patrick Brereton was involved in developing
the carbon calculator when went live on October 9th.

The BAFTA Albert Carbon Calculator, already used in UK, allows screen
producers to understand a productions' environmental impact. By providing some
basic information about studio, work, travel, accommodation, locations,
materials use and disposal, and post-production; the calculator reveals the
extent of the carbon emissions on any given production. 

By equipping the industry with this calculator, producers can then
offset emissions by implementing sustainable film making practices. Efforts
could include eliminating single use plastic, using water foundations, smart
waste management solutions and reducing travel between locations. 

The BAFTA Albert Carbon Calculator has been modified for use in
Ireland thanks to the work of the Screen Greening Coalition. This coalition
includes the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), RTÉ, Screen Ireland,
Screen Producers Ireland, TG4 and Virgin Media Television. In early 2018, these
stakeholders agreed to fund and introduce the BAFTA Albert Carbon Calculator to
Film and TV production in Ireland. 

Prof Pat Brereton launched the creative screen industries specific
carbon calculator on behalf of the Screen Greening Coalition at a panel
on sustainable film making at a Responsible Production one day event
on 9th October in Dublin.

Given the effects of climate change, the need to introduce more
environmentally sustainable film making practices in the industry is clear. Recent
reforms of the Film and Tax Credit Section 481 now also include a requirement,
recently introduced by the Department of Culture and Screen Ireland, for all
qualifying productions to have sustainable film making initiatives on

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