Be Media Smart

15 April 2021

FuJo is pleased to support the Be Media Smart campaign coordinated by Media Literacy Ireland.

The campaign encourages people to Stop, Think and Check that the information that they read, see or hear is reliable and accurate. The Be Media Smart website includes tips for evaluating information and advice for talking to family or friends who are spreading false information. It also includes a list of fact-checks about Covid-19 and vaccines.

The campaign will run from April to September. Media Literacy Ireland are calling on everyone to share the Be Media Smart message across their own networks. Helping audiences take the first step to managing misinformation can be as simple as signposting audiences and networks to the website - a neutral online space providing practical advice, tools and signposting to further sources of help.

Media Literacy Ireland is an alliance of organisations and individuals who are working together to promote media literacy in Ireland. Facilitated by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland, MLI brings together stakeholders from media, academia, online platforms, libraries and civil society to foster discussion and address gaps in media literacy provision.

The development of the Be Media Smart campaign reflects the commitment of Irish stakeholders to promoting media literacy. The creative concept and adverts were developed by RTÉ with TG4 re-versioning the ads into Irish. The adverts have been broadcast by RTÉ, TG4, Sky, Virgin Media Television Near TV, local, regional and community radio.

Twitter and Facebook provided free ad grants for social media ads for non-profit members of Media Literacy Ireland. Google funded the original development of the campaign website while the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland funded the coordination, PR, and production costs for the website. News publishers including The Journal and Newsbrands Ireland have provided extensive support.

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