Prototyping the Future of News

23 November 2016

On 25-26 November 2016, GEN and FuJo with the support of the Google News Lab, will gather top media innovators at Dublin City University in Dublin to develop sports journalism prototypes at the Dublin Editors Lab.

Three-person teams from media organisations in Ireland and the UK will compete to develop a new protoptype for sports journalism. The challenge is to find new ways to respond to trends and opportunities in sports media technology, leveraging the abundance of sports data and incorporating visual and immersive storytelling to sports coverage.

At the end of the event, the teams will pitch their prototypes to jury of media experts including Paddy Logue (The Irish Times),  Bahareh Heravi (School of Information and Communication Studies, UCD), JJ Worrall (Storyful) and Sarah Toporoff (GEN).

The Dublin Editors Lab will feature speakers Jane Suiter (Institute for Media and Journalism), Malcolm Coles (Telegraph Media Group), Matt Cooke (Google News Lab) and Paddy Logue (The Irish Times).

Editors Lab is a worldwide series of hackdays hosted by the world’s leading newsrooms. The winners of the Dublin Editors Lab will join winning teams from other countries taking part in this fifth season and compete one last time at the Editors Lab Final in Vienna 21-23 June 2017 during the seventh annual GEN Summit

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