Marina Meseguer Torres is a journalist specialising in digital information and international relations. She is currently project officer at Learn to Check, where she develops projects and training for media literacy and combating disinformation. She has worked for more than 14 years as an editor at the spanish newspaper La Vanguardia. During this period she has been a special correspondent in countries such as Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, Russia, Mozambique or Estonia and has interviewed public figures such as Noam Chomsky, Vitali Klichkó, Stella Assange, Jeremy Corbyn, Shlomo Ben-Ami or Nobel Peace Prize winners Maria Ressa and Shirin Ebadi. In 2014 the US State Department awarded her with the ‘Edward R. Murrow’ fellowship for her journalistic work. Her main research topics revolve around hate ideologies, conspiracy theories and the impact of disinformation.
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