DCU Institute of Future Media, Democracy and Society Institúid DCU um Meáin Todhchaí, Daonlathas agus Sochaí
DCU Institute of Future Media, Democracy and Society Institúid DCU um Meáin Todhchaí, Daonlathas agus Sochaí

Dr Iker Erdocia


Iker Erdocia is Assistant Professor and Director of Research at the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies (SALIS), Dublin City University. He is President of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics and Committee member of the Language Policy group, British Association for Applied Linguistics. He is a member of the Linguistic Justice Society and is involved in the COST Action CA19102 'Language in the Human-Machine Era'.

Iker is committed to interdisciplinarity. His research sits at the interface of language, policy and politics and aims to promote debate between academic and non-academic stakeholders. Some of his research projects look at the politics of language, language rights, linguistic discrimination, deliberative processes in decision-making, culture wars and far-right discourse, and language management in institutions. Iker's research has been published in top journals within the fields of sociolinguistics and applied linguistics. Currently, he is working on the Irish Research Council-funded research project (New Foundations) 'Understanding and overcoming language and cultural barriers in the political and civic participation of people of immigrant origin in Ireland' (report here).

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