DCU Institute of Future Media, Democracy and Society Institúid DCU um Meáin Todhchaí, Daonlathas agus Sochaí

Dr Dónal Mulligan


Dónal Mulligan is a lecturer and researcher at Dublin City University's School of Communications, where he works on interdisciplinary digital research topics, and teaches on a range of modules related to digital media analysis, design and production. In 2017, he won the President's Teaching Award for Distinctive Approaches to Assessment & Feedback and in 2023 the Overall Award for Excellence in Teaching.

His doctoral research focussed on the study of Irish political discourse on Twitter, amongst which the 2015 Marriage Referendum was a major case study. He is interested in how identity and political discourse are mediated in the structured conversational spaces of social media, and how the emergent field of computational social science addresses and answers these issues with new methodologies. He has collaborated in the development of novel methodologies across disciplines, including current work intersecting with Education Studies and previously with Geochemistry.

Dónal Mulligan is Chair of the Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty Research Ethics Committee, at DCU, and has contributed to the development of new procedures and policy for ethics and reporting. He is a member of the RIA Irish Humanities Alliance board, and working group on Digital Humanities. He has co-founded and is currently a committee member of DCU's Interdisciplinary Digital Research Group, more details on which are available at: hybridresearch.org

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