Alessio Cornia is an Assistant Professor at Dublin City University and a Research Associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford. His research interest is comparative research on political communication and journalism, focusing on the relationship between media and politics, news industry developments, digital news, social media platforms, media coverage of corruption, and EU journalism.
He is the DCU research team lead for the EU-funded research project ‘CO.R.E.: COrruption Risk indicators in Emergency’ and Co-PI for the H2020 project ‘MEDIATIZED EU: Mediatized Discourses on Europeanization and Their Representations in Public Perceptions’. He was previously a Research Fellow at the Reuters Institute and a Researcher at the University of Perugia, where he completed a PhD in Social and Political Theory and Research. He has published a monograph on EU journalists in Brussels and several articles in academic journals, including Media, Culture and Society, the International Journal of Press/Politics, the European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Journalism Studies, and the Journal of Risk Research.
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